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Mallika Bulusu

Mallika Bulusu

Mallika Bulusu isn’t a trained artist but painting has always been her passion. It has been that arena which has a meditative and therapeutic effect on her. She has got a degree in Environmental Science and Carnatic Music and is currently living in Bangalore.

Mallika Bulusu, during her early years at school was into sketching, poster colours& water colours. Encouragement from her parents & teachers helped her to continue to pursue this interest. Much later in life developed her skills further by learning basics of oils & acrylics on canvas from Mary Tharian, a well-known artist and an established art teacher in Bengaluru.

She continues to paint and exhibit her paintings at various art galleries in Bangalore viz.

  • Gallerie Pablo
  • Konsult art gallery
  • Participated in two group art shows  in Renaissance art gallery in Bengaluru
  • Participated in an art show conducted by Insoul foundation for charities in ADA Rangamandira
  • Kaladarshan 2012, IIT Powai, as a guest artist in the annual art festival conducted by the students
  • Bangalore gayanasamaj
  • International 15th online juried art show conducted by upstream art gallery in May2013.
  • Special recognition awarded (in painting & other category ) in their3rdannual figurative art competition conducted by Light Space & Time online art gallery &displayed in june2013.

Her works are meaningful and depict nature, “beautiful people” as she terms her figurative paintings & religious figures. She drawsinspiration from reading, listening to music and her own observation of people, things and events.

She has been a volunteer at the Spastic Society of Karnataka, teaching art as part of art therapy program to specially abled children.

She has been learning and practicing carnatic vocal music for a long time. Presently a student of shriAnanthaPadmanabha Rao - a reknowned vocalist in Bangalore, she has combined her knowledge in music with her painting skills and has given it a colour and form in ‘Akriti’ her latest series, depicting the kamalambanavavaranakritis(compositions in classical music by shrimutthuswamideekshitar) as vibrant and colourful abstracts.

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