Shikha Arora
A famous artist (Le Corbusier) once said: "I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies."
Being an introvert and though amateur as an artist, my sketches speak a lot about themselves. It is the best and purest form of expression for me. I am constantly trying to challenge myself to find different ways of creating an intense visual impact. Whether or not I succeed, is up to the individual responsiveness of the observer. But the route of getting there is deeply satisfying and emotionally fulfilling for me.
Born and brought up in Delhi, I am a self-taught artist with keen interest in fine arts since childhood. As they say, “Better late than never” - it was only 3 years ago when I started learning art more formally under the guidance of Mr. Rohit Sharma. I devote my time only on weekends though I do it with utmost sincerity. Having fascinated by black and white photography, I prefer to use charcoal for my drawings but occasionally add color to my art work.
After completing my graduation in Mathematics in 2009, I became a part of the well-known 'corporate' setup and currently working full-time with a leading management consulting firm in Gurgaon.