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Artist: Deepali Mundra
Medium: Oil & Acrylic on Canvas
Surface: Canvas
Size: 36in Width X 36in Height.
Quality: Museum Quality – 100% Hand painted
Artist Sign and Certificate: Yes

1 in stock

The artwork symbolizes the spiritual peace that enrapture the souls of human beings when they are close to nature. The nature, our surroundings and environment is being depicted by the black swans, spreading a message of affection towards nature. The soothing expression in the eyes of the human figure brings bliss and calmness to the painting. Bright yellow beaks of the swans contrasts with their black and red color which is balanced by the presence of cool blue color in the foreground. In the background, script writing and the figurative drawings gives a historic essence to the painting.


Dimensions 36 × 36 in
Paintings- Category

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