Ananda Das
Educational Qualification:
- Bachelor of commerce (B. Com)
Solo Exhibition:
- Solo Exhibition at "Chemould art Gallery" at Kolkata, 2005.
- Solo Exhibition at "Oberoi Towers" Mumbai, 2000.
- Solo Exhibition at "Academy of Fine Arts", Kolkata, 1997, 2002 & 2003, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014.
- Solo Exhibition at "Standard Charterd Grindlays Bank", Kolkata, 2002 - 2010.
- Solo Exhibition at "Ing Vysya Bank", Kolkata, 2003, 2004.
- Solo Exhibition at “TAJ BENGAL’’ at Kolkata, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012.
- Solo Exhibition at ‘’NEOKALA ART GALLERY’’, Gujarat 2011.
- Solo Exhibition at ‘’ ECA ART WALK GALLERY’’, Kolkata 2011.
Group Exhibition:
- Three Men Exhibition at “AHUJA MUSEUM FOR ARTS”, Kolkata, 2013.
- Three men Exhibition at "Jehangir Art Gallery", Mumbai, 1999.
- Duet Exhibition at "Tagore Art Gallery (Kolkata Airport)", 1994-1996.
- Duet Exhibition at "Academy of Fine Arts", Kolkata, 1996, 1998.
- Duet Exhibition at "Grindlays Bank", Mumbai, 1999, 2000, 2003.
- Sponsored Group Exhibition at "French Consulate", 1997, 1998.
- Sponsored Group Exhibition at "Chandigarh", 1998, 1999.
- Group Exhibition with "Celestial" at "Academy of Fine Arts", Kolkata 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
- Group Exhibition with "Celestial" at "Birla Academy of Fine Arts and Culture", Kolkata, 1995, 1997, 2000.
- Group Exhibition at "ABN-AMRO Gallery", Kolkata 1996, 1997.
- Three men Open Air-Show at Allen Park and "ABN-AMRO Gallery" Sponsored by "ABN-AMRO Bank", Kolkata, 1997.
- Group Exhibition at "Nehru Centre", Mumbai, 1997 & 2002.
- Group Exhibition at "Spandan Art Gallery", Kolkata, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004.
- Group Exhibition at "Park Hotel", Kolkata in 1997, in Aid of Spastics Society of Eastern India.
- Group Exhibition at "Surender Paul Art Gallery", Delhi, 2000.
- Group Exhibition at "Oberoi Grand", in aid of Spastics Society Kolkata, 2000-2001.
- Group Exhibition at "HSBC BANK" Organized by "Spandan", Kolkata 2001 & 2002.
- Group Exhibition at "ABN-AMRO BANK", Kolkata 2006 Sponsored by "ABN-AMRO BANK".
- Group Exhibition at ‘’SHREE ART GALLERY’’, Kolkata 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
- Group Exhibition at “ITC SONAR BANGLA” , Kolkata 2012.
- Group Exhibition at “BIRLA ACADEMY OF ART & CULTURE”, Kolkata 2011, 2012, 2015.
Major Participation:
- Invited Artists in an Exhibition of "CONTEMPORARY BENGAL ART: FIGURATIVE & LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS" at "Lalit Kala Academi", New Delhi, Organized by "BIRLA ACADEMY OF ART AND CULTURE”, Kolkata 2003.
- Invited Artist in "Black & White, White & Black Show" at "CYMROZA ART GALLERY," Mumbai, 2004.
- Invited Artist in a Exhibition at "CHITROKOOT ART GALLERY" Kolkata, 2003.
- Participated in an "ART CAMP" for “SUNAMI REHABILITATION PROJECTS IN SOUTH INDIA” organized by "Calcutta Swimming Club & Lions Clubs international" Kolkata, 2005.
- Participated in an Exhibition '04 in aid of Compassionate Companions Trust by "CHITRANGAN AND ROTARY CLUB OF CALCUTTA Down Town" at "AKAR PRAKAR", Kolkata, 2004. Kolkata, 2000-2001.
- Annual Exhibition of West Bengal State Academy of Dance, Drama, Music & Visual Arts", Kolkata, 1992.
- Annual Exhibition of "The Visual Arts", Kolkata, 1992-1994
- All India Annual Exhibition of "Academy of Fine Arts", Kolkata, 1993 and 2001.
- Participated in "Kalamela" organized by "Rashtriya Lalit Kala Academy Delhi", Kolkata, 1996.
- Invited Artist to an Exhibition "Art for water waters for Life" organized by "Cymroza Art Gallery and SCESA" Mumbai 2006.
- Invited Artist to an Exhibition "Touch of Art" organized by "Masters Collection Art Gallery", Kolkata - 2006.
- Invited Artist to an Exhibition "New Horizons" organized by "Masters Collection and Art Gallery", Kolkata, 2006, 2007.
- Participated in "Kalamela" organized by "Birla Academi of Art and Culture", Kolkata, 1997.
- Participated in "Kalamela" in Delhi organized by "Rashtriya lalit Kala Academy in New Delhi", 1997.
- Invited to an Exhibition in Aid of Spastic Society of Eastern India at "Park Hotel", Kolkata Sponsored by "Rotary Club" - 1997.
- Annual Exhibition of "Indian Society or Oriental Art", Kolkata, 1993, 1995.
- Invited Artist in "ACCESSWEEK" organized by "Birla Academy of Art and Culture", Mumbai, 1999.
- Participated in "Kalamela" and "Open Air Show" Organized by “BIRLA ART & CULTURE” Kolkata, 2000.
- Participated in "Art Camp" at Oberoi Grand Sponsored by "SPANDAN & Oberoi Grand", Kolkata, 2000.
- Participated in "Art Camp" at "TAJ BENGAL" Sponsored by "Taj Group of hotels Resorts and Places" Kolkata 2004, 2007.
- Invited Artist at the "Friends of the Academy" Exhibition organized by "Academy of Fine Arts", Kolkata, 2001.
- Invited Artist at the "Protest against the desruction of the BAMIYAN BUDDHA" at Vishya Bharati, Santi-Niketan organized by "Genesis Art Gallery", 2001.
- Invited Artist in ’’ART CAMP’’ at ’’ITC SONAR KOLKATA’’ Sponsored by ‘’ITC GROUP OF HOTELS’’ Kolkata, 2008.
- Participated at “CHITRA SANTHE”, Organized by” KARNATAKA CHITRAKALA PARISHATH”, Bangalore, 2012.
- Participated at “DARJEELING TEA & TOURISM FESTIVAL ART CAMP”, Organized by “INNER WHEEL CLUB”, Darjeeling, 2012.
- Invited Artist in an “ART CAMP”, at “PARK HOTEL” Sponsored by ‘’SPANDAN’’, Kolkata 2009.
Corporate Collections:
- British High-Commission, French Consulate, Dutch Consulate-Mumbai, Reliance Industries Ltd., NFDC, ABN-AMRO Bank, the World Bank, Grindlays Bank, Help age India, Reserve Bank of India, Golf Club Calcutta, Gujarat Ambuja Cement, Tata Tea Ltd. Duncans Tea Ltd., Larsen & Tubro Ltd., V.S.N.L. Quality, Tata Sponge Iron Ltd.
Several works in private collections, both in India and abroad