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Sell your Art

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ArtVault is India’s leading online platform to showcase the talent of you upcoming Artists !  A place where we make sure you meet a pool of clients who appreciate the talent you truly possess.

Is Art Vault your piece of Canvas?  Answer away and find yourself filling the registration from.

  • Are you  a talented artist living in India?
  • Have two or more original paintings, sculptures, or other artworks to sell?
  • Are you prepared to take great quality photographs of your art?
  • Will you be responsible to keep your gallery up to date and take your artworks offline when you are away and cannot fulfill orders?

If you answered all questions “Yes”, read on.

Use ArtVault to sell your art online!

If you are an artist and would like to sell your art, we invite you to join us at ArtVault.

It’s free to sell your art!

No joining fee for all the  Indian Artists (membership fees apply for non-Indian artists).

We believe in letting the world know about enrolled Artists! Unlike our competitors, our focus is solely on making sure we make you meet your desired clients.

Here at ArtVault, we only make money when you sell your art! That’s because we take a modest commission from every sale. You can simply factor in the commission when setting the price and the final control rests with you.

Because of this business model, our entire operation is geared towards finding customers for your art.  We sell Talent not markups!

More advantages

We understand that Art has to be presented in the best possible way for it to sell. So we are focused on innovations, creativity and an “Artistic” loohout! One of our crowning feature is. “Your Own Gallery”- A space to showcase your art/crafts and bring in potential customers.

Once we launch, you, our prestigious Artists, will have full control over when to sell your art. Manage your availability with one click to take your art gallery on and offline.  See orders, inquiries, and sales from our easy login area.  At the end of the day, your login will help you display your earnings of the day!

One more reason why ArtVault is a great place to sell your art.

Because we are totally customer focussed, our customers can rate your art and provide feedback pre-sale. We also followup every single customer post-sale to get feedback on their experience of buying art through ArtVault. Happy customers means regular customers! Numbers say it all! If they love it once, they will come for it again!

Apply for representation through ArtVault

We welcome applications from artists from all over the country.

Like everything else at ArtVault, we are specific and are looking for Artists with a unique eye in creating dream artworks. We’re going to guarantee a showcase gallery for the artists to present their piece of arts, so please be as thorough as possible with the registration forms.

Applicants will receive a response within 24-72 hours.





Artist Registration Form Click here..



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