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Kamaldeep Kaur


An extremely dedicated artist, residing in Dwarka, India, follows her childhood passion for sketching and painting with much curiosity to deeply drench in the elixir of the phenomenal world of arts and creativity. Completing her graduation in 2012 with BSc Mathematics, and mastering in Actuarial Science from Amity University in 2014, Kamaldeep took the artistic path and received her Diploma in Fine Arts from Delhi Collage of Arts in 2016. Working hard in accordance with the aspirations of her parents she still embraces her decision of giving up her job to follow her passion for painting. Her dedication towards art has given her marvelous opportunities ever since she joined hobby classes for painting- Kamaldeep’s work being displayed in an annual art function for the first time- was a glorious event which she considers as life changing. Taking it as a sign to pursue her dream to become an artist she has achieved respect in the hearts of art lovers all over India. She strongly feels and encourages others to follow their passion and pursue their career in what they love. Creating ravishing art by using charcoal she enjoys portraying her inner thoughts and feelings for the world to see. There is an imperturbable tranquility which she feels and reveals in her Buddha paintings. Currently researching on the Gandhara and Japanese Buddha forms, Kamaldeep has a yearning to learn more. Under the guidance of artist Rohit Sharma her passion and hard work seems to be infrangible.


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