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Malay Karmakar

Malay Karmakar

Born: September 12, 1965, Kolkata


With a substantial experience in almost all aspects of drawing and painting. Focus on capturing emotions through forms and shapes of human, animals and birds. Capture small sensations, moods and emotions of our life through shapes and colours.


  • Graduated in Fine Arts from Rabindra Bharati University (RBU), Kolkata in 1990


  • Numbers of group exhibitions in Academy of Fine Arts, Birla Academy, Kolkata and Bajaj Art Gallery, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
  • Street exhibitions in Kolkata
  • Exhibition at Centre Art Gallery, Kolkata in 1994
  • 'Calcutta Through The Eyes Of Painters' an exhibition of Contemporary artists on 300 years of Kolkata
  • ‘Timeless Moments’ a group show at Sheraton Hotel, Delhi in 2016


  • Working as Senior Art Director with Hindustan times Media Ltd. Delhi

Digital Art:

  • Using today's broad range of electronic tools as fine art medium to create art works
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