- Sc., M. A. (Economics), B.Ed.
- Pravah, a solo show of paintings at Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow
- 3 Boulevards, a show of paintings at Lalit Kala Academy, Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi
- Six Shadows, a show of paintings at AIFACS, New Delhi
- Part of a group show at Kala Srot, Lucknow
- Part of 16 group shows at Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow
- Selected for Art Mall residential art camp, New Delhi
- Selected for National Artists Camp, Nagpur
- Paintings nominated for State Exhibition and Awards, Lucknow
- Paintings selected for display at Burland Art Gallery, London
- Paintings displayed at various galleries at Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi, Canada