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Original price was: ₹ 22,500.Current price is: ₹ 20,000.



Original price was: ₹ 22,500.Current price is: ₹ 20,000.

Plus 12% Taxes

Artist: Baljit Singh Chadha
Medium: Mixed Media on Paper
Surface: Paper
Size: 22in Width X 14in Height.
Quality: Museum Quality – 100% Hand painted
Artist Sign and Certificate: Yes

1 in stock

SKU: BDB-06. Category: . Tag: .

I grew up as a curious, investigative child helped by my parents’ encouragement to explore and to learn without fear and hesitation. The wonder and awe in God’s creation always held me spell bound. I ploughed my curiosity through love of creation and creativity. At a young age of nineteen years I sailed to a land called Japan that has for long centuries been spiritually bound with India. Like a sleepy rose the petals of my creativity opened as I drank like a honey-bee the nectar of ancient and highly evolved culture of Japan. Japanese art of painting is high meditation in feel and in expression. My Japanese godmother Ms Otha Miyoko a great Japanese artist was my first teacher. She affected my style and expression early on.
My journey in art continued and I evolved a style of art that has minimal gap in feeling and expression. Rapidity and quickness of expression in my art comes from the well of inner spirituality. My art is not planned, thought-out and cerebral it is based on spontaneity. Abstract Expressionism is a wider term and my art follows it in variegated dimensions.
In my art I experiment with different painting instruments and techniques. My dependence on brushwork is rather limited. I frequently and freely use spatulas, wooden sticks, masking, and sand-mix, push bottles and what comes handy in the moment. I use acrylic with mix media. I have developed acrylic based glazes that were possible earlier only with oil paints. The glazes impart a charm similar to enamel glazes. I created a new technique called ( FLOAT ON COLORS).

Dimensions 22 × 14 in
Paintings- Category

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