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Artist: Renu Gupta
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Surface: Canvas
Size: 49in Width X 36in Height.
Quality: Museum Quality – 100% Hand painted
Artist Sign and Certificate: Yes

1 in stock

SKU: RENU9175RG016. Category: . Tags: , , , , , .

These nine paintings by the artist are a series of thoughts which can be understood not apart from each other but as a whole. In today’s’ world, we always search for the meaning of a thing. If a thing has a meaning then it is a good thing. In the same way we value and understand the worth of a painting only when it has some set meaning. This exact thought has been challenged by the artist through her paintings. Her works do not abide by a set theme but it leaves it open to the personal interpretation of the viewer. In meditation, the mantras that we repeat give us strength and peace but it doesn’t have any perfect meaning. It’s the same thing for a painting. The artist wants her viewers to simply feel the painting and get lost in its depth and not always try to find out the meaning behind it. In all of these paintings, there are waves which seem top emanate from a bright spot in the centre. These signify the millions of thoughts and vibrations of the human mind which emanates from the core of our soul and these vibrations fill out the darkness of the periphery.

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