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ROSE Payal Rosalind Malik PP

About the Artist:

I’m an Artist, and love to create paintings with dynamics, realism, and most importantly imagination. My work is contemporary, portraying our world in today’s day and age. I went to Loreto Convent School in New Delhi and almost finished college from Jesus & Mary! Then after I went to New Zealand, Christchurch, to do a diploma course in Graphic Design. When I returned I worked at Dorling Kindersley and India Today for 7 years in total. Through this time and from a child, I also went to Triveni Kala Sangam on the regular basis working on developing my own unique style. The medium in which I work on is charcoal and oil paints on canvas and when working with paper drawing’s I use pencil and watercolor. Colors symbolizing joy and happiness in our experiences and way of living, and charcoal signifying the darker corners and how both go hand in hand just like two sides of a coin. Therefore a blend in life and what I see and believe in. I have had a few exhibitions till now, the last being at Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Center.

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